10+ German Opinion Phrases

Expressing your opinion in German can be a lot of fun: Who doesn't want to discuss curious & exciting topics with native speakers? Here are 10 useful German opinion phrases, to get your views across.
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When discussing a topic in German, it's important to be able to express your opinion clearly and effectively. Here are 10 useful phrases for expressing your opinion in German, along with an example sentence and translation for each one.

German Opinion Phrases

Meiner Meinung nach, ...
I am of the opinion that ...
Ich denke, dass ...
I think that ...
Ich finde, dass ...
I think that ...
Es scheint mir, als ob ...
It seems to me, as if ...
Ich habe den Eindruck, dass ...
I have the impression that ...

#1 Meiner Meinung nach...

This phrase translates to "in my opinion," and is a great way to introduce your own thoughts on a topic.

Meiner Meinung nach ist der Klimawandel eine der größten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit.

In my opinion, climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time.

Ich bin der Meinung Ich bin der Ansicht This phrase translates to "I am of the view that," and is a more formal way

#2 Ich denke, dass...

This phrase translates to "I think that," and is a simple way to express your opinion.

Ich denke, dass die Schulreform dringend notwendig ist.

I think that school reform is urgently necessary.

Ich glaube, dass ...

#3 Ich finde, dass...

This phrase translates to "I find" (or "I think that ...") and is a way to express your opinion about something rather casual. You can use this in all sorts of contexts and it will work.

Ich finde dein Argument wirklich überzeugend.

I find your argument really convincing.

#4 Es scheint mir, als ob...

This phrase translates to "it seems to me that," and is a way to express your opinion based on what you perceive.

Es scheint mir, als ob sich die Öffentlichkeit zu wenig mit der Materie auseinandersetzt.

It seems to me that the public is not engaging enough with the subject.

#5 Ich habe den Eindruck, dass...

This phrase translates to "I have the impression that," and is similar to "it seems to me that."

Ich habe den Eindruck, dass die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ein großes Problem ist.

I have the impression that youth unemployment is a big problem.

Those are all ways to express your opinion. Now let's have a look at what German opinion phrases there are, when you want to agree with someone. Right after, we'll have a look at different ways in to express disagreement in German.

Opinion Phrases for Agreement

Let's now look at some opinion phrases for agreement in German. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, we wrote a full blog post just on how to agree in German. But for now, let's look at the most common phrases to agree with someone.

Ich bin ganz deiner Meinung
I completely agree with you
Ich teile deine Ansicht
I share your view
Ich stimme zu
I agree

Let's look at each phrase more closely now, before moving on to useful expressions to disagree.

#1 - Ich bin ganz deiner Meinung

This phrase translates to "I completely agree with you" and is a simple way to express that you share the same opinion as the person you are talking to.

Ich bin ganz deiner Meinung, dass die Bildungsreform dringend notwendig ist.

I completely agree with you that the education reform is urgently necessary.

#2 - Ich teile diese Ansicht

This phrase translates to "I share your view" and is another way to express agreement with someone else's opinion.

Ich teile deine Ansicht, dass die Regierung mehr für die Umwelt tun sollte.

I share your view that the government should do more for the environment.

#3 - Ich stimme zu

This phrase translates to "I agree" and is a simple and straightforward way to express agreement.

Ich stimme zu, dass die Einwanderungspolitik des Landes überarbeitet werden sollte.

I agree that the country's immigration policy should be revised.

Opinion Phrases for Disagreement

Lastly, let us present to you some German opinion phrases that express disagreement. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, we wrote a full blog post just on how to disagree with someone in German. Here, we'll look at the three most common phrases to disagree:

Ich bin anderer Meinung
I have a different opinion
Ich möchte widersprechen
I want to object
Da kann ich (leider) nicht zustimmen
I can't agree

Listen to each expression and when you're ready to move on, let's talk about them in a bit more detail!

#1 - Ich bin anderer Meinung

This phrase translates to "I disagree" and is a way to indicate that you do not share the same opinion as the person you are talking to. It's an informal way of expressing disagreement.

Ich bin anderer Meinung, dass die Regierung keine weiteren Steuererhöhungen durchführen sollte.

I disagree that the government should not implement any more tax increases.

#2 - Ich möchte widersprechen

This phrase translates to "I object" and is a more formal way to indicate disagreement. This phrase is suitable for formal discussions.

Ich widerspreche, dass der Klimawandel nicht von Menschen verursacht wird.

I object that climate change is not caused by humans.

#3 - Da kann ich (leider) nicht zustimmen

This phrase translates to "I can't agree" and is a polite and formal way to express disagreement.

Ich kann nicht zustimmen, dass die Wirtschaft schnell wieder in Schwung gebracht werden muss.

I can't agree that the economy must be quickly brought back to life.


In conclusion, it's important to be able to express your opinion clearly and effectively when discussing a topic in German. The phrases presented in this list provide different ways to express disagreement, from informal to

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