German Skiing Words | Vocabulary List

German Skiing Words

Learn German skiing vocabulary, for winter sports enthusiasts.


Winter in Germany brings an array of exciting sports and activities on the snow-covered mountains. Whether you're an avid skier or just curious about winter sports, learning the vocabulary in German will enhance your experience. In this blog post, we'll provide you with multiple lists of very useful German words related to skiing and winter sports.

Skiing Equipment Vocabulary

Let's start with some essential skiing equipment you might need:

die Ski
die Skistöcke
ski poles
die Skischuhe
ski boots
die Skibrille
ski goggles
der Skihelm
ski helmet
die Skijacke
ski jacket

Winter Sports Activities

Next, let's explore some exciting winter sports activities you can enjoy:

das Skifahren
das Snowboarden
das Schlittenfahren
das Eislaufen
ice skating
das Langlaufen
cross-country skiing
das Rodeln

Skiing Actions and Terms

Now, let's learn some common skiing actions and terms in German:

to ski
to snowboard
to sled
to ice skate
to cross-country ski
to ice skate

Winter Sports Events and Competitions

Finally, let's learn about some winter sports events and competitions:

die Skimeisterschaft
ski championship
die Snowboard-Weltmeisterschaft
snowboard world championship
die Eiskunstlauf-Olympiade
figure skating olympics
die Skitour
ski tour
die Rennstrecke
race track
der Slalom

We hope this vocabulary list helps you enjoy the winter sports season in Germany!

99 German Idioms

Download our free PDF: 99 German words & idioms. Each expression comes with a German example sentence, a translation & useful vocabulary.

Surviving German Winter

In this podcast episode, we'll share our tips on how to endure the bitter German winter. Topics include taking part in traditions like Christmas markets and Krampus walks, winter food and cozy indoor activities.