Schon vs. BereitsWhat's the difference?

Explore the nuances between the German words 'schon' and 'bereits' and understand their usage in different contexts.

Schon is more commonly used in spoken language and implies a sense of surprise or earliness. Bereits is slightly more formal and emphasizes the early occurrence of an action. The difference is very subtle and both words can be used interchangeably 99% of the time.

When learning a new language, it's common to encounter words that seem similar but may have subtle differences in meaning. In German, two such words are schon and "bereits." In this blog post, we'll explore whether there is a distinction between these words and shed light on any nuanced variations in their usage.

What's the difference?

As mentioned above, the difference between the two words is negligable. Schon is used more often in spoken language & bereits sounds a little more formal.

Let's take a closer look.

How to use schon

The word schon is frequently used in everyday German conversations and can have several meanings depending on the context. One of its primary uses is to convey the sense of "already" or "yet."

Let's take a look at an example:

Ich habe schon gegessen

I have already eaten

Here, schon emphasizes that the action of eating has taken place before the current moment. It implies that the speaker is not hungry anymore.

Schon is also often used to express surprise. Look at the following sentence:

Die Party hat schon angefangen? Ich dachte sie geht erst in einer Stunde los?

The party has started already? I thought it was only going to start in an hour?

In this case, schon is used to express surprise that the party has already started (contrary to the speaker's expectation). It suggests that the speaker thought the party would start later.

How to use bereits

Similar to schon, the word bereits can also mean "already." However, it is generally perceived as a more formal or literary variant of schon.

While both words can be used interchangeably in many contexts, bereits is often employed in more formal or written German, whereas schon is commonly used in informal spoken language.

Let's illustrate the usage of bereits with an example dialogue:

Ich habe den Vertrag bereits unterschrieben.
I have already signed the contract.
Danke! Ich schicke Ihnen morgen eine Bestätigung.
Thank you. I will send you a confirmation tomorrow.

In this conversation, bereits is employed to express that Peter has completed his homework before the present moment. It highlights his accomplishment and implies a sense of punctuality.


In conclusion we might say that schon and bereits can safely be used interchangeably to convey the concept of "already".

There is a nuanced difference in their connotations. Schon is commonly used in informal spoken language, whereas bereits carries a more formal or literary tone, frequently seen in written German or in serious contexts.

However, it's important to note that the choice between the two words often comes down to personal preference and the specific context of the conversation.


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