Common German Phrases

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Learning common German phrases is a great way to start your journey into the language. In this blog post, we'll provide you with a list of very useful German words and phrases that you can use in everyday situations.

Common German Phrases for Beginners

Thank you
Excuse me

Greetings and Polite Expressions

Let's begin with some essential greetings and polite expressions:

Guten Morgen
Good Morning
Good evening

Introducing Yourself

Here are some phrases to introduce yourself:

ich heiße...
my name is...
ich komme aus...
I am from...
ich spreche ein wenig Deutsch
I speak a little German

Asking for Help and Directions

When you need assistance or directions, use these phrases:

kannst du mir helfen?
can you help me?
wo ist...
where is...
wie komme ich zu...
how do I get to...

Basic Conversation Phrases

Useful phrases for basic conversations:

wie geht es dir?
how are you?
ich verstehe nicht
I don't understand
wie bitte?
pardon / excuse me?
ich habe eine Frage
I have a question
of course

Ordering Food and Drinks

When dining out, these phrases will come in handy:

ich möchte...
I would like...
die Speisekarte, bitte
the menu, please
zahlen, bitte
the bill, please

Saying Goodbye

Finally, here are some ways to bid farewell:

auf Wiedersehen
goodbye / see you again
bis bald
see you soon
schönen Tag noch
have a nice day

Learning these common German phrases will make your interactions in Germany more enjoyable and rewarding. Practice them regularly, and you'll become more confident in using the language.

Free PDF💬

Download our free pdf for German learners, with 99 German words & idioms. Each idiom comes with an example, a translation & helpful vocabulary.


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