Months in GermanFree Vocabulary List

Let's learn how to say the months of the year in German. Ready?

Ready to learn the names for the months of the year in German? In this article, we're going to first have a look at the different months, then look at the vocabulary for the seasons in German and lastly go through some example sentences that use these vocabulary words.

Months of the Year in German

Learning the German names for the months of the year is easy peasy lemon squeezy. Just have a look at the left column in this list (without looking at the English translation) and see if there is a single month that you wouldn't be able to guess:


As you can see, the names of the months in German are similar to their English counterparts, with the exception of a few such as März, Juni, and September, which have slightly different spellings, but are nevertheless German-English cognates.

Another great thing to remember about the months in German is that they are all masculine, so it's der Januar, der Februar and so on.

Seasons in German

The German names for the seasons are a little more difficult to remember, since "der Frühling" & "der Herbst" don't sound anything like spring or autumn.

der Frühling
der Sommer
der Herbst
der Winter

Luckily, however, there are only four seasons to learn and "der Sommer" & "der Winter" are the very same in English, with the expection that they're captialized - but you probably know this by now.

Example Sentences

To finish this off, let's have a look at a few German examples sentences that make use of the German vocabulary we just learned:

Der Januar ist der kälteste Monat des Jahres.

January is the coldest month of the year.
Im Februar feiern wir Karneval in Deutschland.

In February, we celebrate Carnival in Germany.
Der März ist der erste Monat des Frühlings.

March is the first month of spring.
Im April regnet es häufig.

It often rains in April.
Der Mai ist der Monat der ersten Sommerblumen.

May is the month of the first summer flowers.
Im Juni haben wir lange Tage und kurze Nächte.

In June, we have long days and short nights.
Der Juli ist der heißeste Monat des Jahres.

July is the hottest month of the year.
Im August gehen viele Menschen in den Urlaub.

In August, many people go on vacation.
Der September ist der Monat, in dem die Kinder wieder in die Schule kommen.

September is the month when children return to school.
Im Oktober gibt es viele bunte Blätter.

In October, there are many colorful leaves.
Der November ist der Monat, in dem wir den Tag der Deutschen Einheit feiern.

November is the month when we celebrate German Unity Day.
Im Dezember gibt es viele Weihnachtsmärkte.

In December, there are many Christmas markets.


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