Getting a Haircut in German

Getting a haircut in a new country is not the problem. Leaving the hair salon and also feeling great about your hair is. Let's explore some German phrases for getting a haircut that won't make you look like Krusty the clown.
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Getting a haircut in a foreign country can be intimidating, especially if you don't speak the language fluently. In Germany, as in any country, it's important to be able to communicate with your hairdresser to make sure you get the cut you want.

Here are some useful phrases to help you communicate with your German hairdresser.

Making an Appointment

Before you can get your hair cut, you'll need to make an appointment. Here are some phrases to help you schedule your appointment:

Ich würde gerne einen Termin vereinbaren, bitte.
I'd like to make an appointment, please.
Wann haben Sie den nächsten freien Termin?
When is your next available appointment?
Haben Sie nächste Woche freie Termine?
Do you have any appointments available next week?

Describing Your Desired Cut

Once you've made your appointment, it's time to describe the cut you want. Here are some phrases to help you communicate your desired style:

Ich hätte gerne einen kleinen Schnitt.
I'd like a trim, please.
Ich möchte die Länge behalten, aber einige Schichten bekommen.
I want to keep the length but just get some layers.
Ich hätte gerne einen Bob mit Pony.
I'd like a bob with bangs.

Asking for Advice

If you're not quite sure what you want, it's okay to ask for advice from your hairdresser. Here are some phrases to help you get their opinion:

Was empfehlen Sie?
What do you recommend?
Was würde mir gut stehen?
What would look good on me?
Denken Sie, dass ich kürzer gehen sollte?
Do you think I should go shorter?

During the Cut

While getting your hair cut, you may need to communicate with your hairdresser to make sure everything is going well. Here are some phrases to help you during the cut:

Können Sie oben noch ein bisschen mehr abschneiden?
Could you take a little more off the top?
Können Sie bitte hinten ein bisschen trimmen?
Could you please trim the back a little?
Ich denke, das ist kurz genug, danke.
I think that's short enough, thank you.

After the Cut

Once your hair is cut, you may need to communicate about styling or payment. Here are some phrases to help you after the cut:

Können Sie bitte meine Haare föhnen?
Can you blow dry my hair, please?
Wie viel schulde ich Ihnen?
How much do I owe you?
Vielen Dank, ich liebe es!
Thank you, I love it!

Useful Phrases

Können Sie mir bitte eine neue Frisur schneiden?
Can you please cut me a new hairstyle?
Können Sie bitte meine Haare schneiden?
Can you please cut my hair?
Können Sie bitte meine Seiten kürzen?
Can you please shorten the sides?
Gibt es einen Stil, den Sie empfehlen können?
Is there a style you can recommend?
Können Sie meine Haare schneiden und färben?
Can you cut and color my hair?
Können Sie bitte meine Pony schneiden?
Can you please cut my bangs?
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