Dative Case in German

German noun cases are one of the most confusing topics for beginners. Here is a guide & overview, to help you master them from the start.

The German Dative Case In a Nutshell

What is the Dative Case?

There are four German noun cases to master, one of which is the dative case. The dative case is used to indicate the indirect object of a sentence.

And what is an indirect object? The indirect object in a sentence is the noun (or pronoun) that refers to the person or thing to or for whom something is done.

It's important to understand the dative case in order to string German sentences together. It might seem a bit difficult at first, but you'll get the hang of it after a while.

When to use the Dative

As already mentioned above, the dative case is used for the indirect object of a sentence, which typically refers to the person or thing to or for whom something is done:

Ich gebe dem Mann ein Buch

I give the man a book

While in the nominative case it would be "der Mann", in this sentence we say "dem Mann" - which is the dative case. But "der Mann" is in the dative case here, because it is the indirect object: to whom the book is given.

In English, you would also say "I give him the book" and not "I give he the book". It's the same concept - only that, in German, we also apply this to nouns (like "der Mann").

Dative Case Grammar Points

Dative Case Endings

Now you know when to use the dative case. But you still need to know how to actually form it.

The dative case is indicated by a specific set of endings that are added to the noun (or pronoun). The endings for the dative case are different for singular and plural forms, as well as for different genders - which, unfortunately, doesn't make things less complicated.

Here are the dative case endings according to the gender of the noun:


So the singular noun "der Hund" would turn into "dem Hund". Here are a few more examples of how nouns change in the dative case:

Der Hund (the dog)(the dog)dem Hund(to the dog)
Die Katze(the cat)der Katze(to the cat)
Das Haus(the house)dem Haus(to the house)
Die Hunde(the dogs)den Hunden(to the dogs)
Die Katzen(the cats)den Katzen(to the cats)
Die Häuser(the houses)den Häusern(to the houses)

Note that there are 2 things that can change: First, the article can change (der 👉 den), but the noun itself might also change. For example: "die Hunde" 👉 "den Hunden".

Dative Articles

Dative Prepositions

You now know that the dative case is used when we are dealing with an indirect object and you also know how to turn a noun into the dative case. There is one more crucial thing to know:

The dative case is also used with certain prepositions, such as "aus", "außer", "bei", "gegenüber", "mit", "nach", "seit", "von", "zu" and "gegen".

For example, in the sentence "Ich wohne bei meinen Eltern" (I live with my parents), "bei" (with) is the preposition and "meinen Eltern" (my parents) is in the dative case.

Dative Verbs

Dative Case Examples

Dative Sentences in German

Dative Plural

Dative Case Practice

Dative Case Exercises

Dative Case Worksheets & PDFs



The best way to learn and master the German dative case is through practice.

Try using the dative case in your own sentences and pay attention to how native speakers use it in conversation.

With enough practice, you will be able to use the dative case correctly and communicate effectively in German.

The dative case is one of the most difficult cases to master in German, but it is also one of the most important. With the right approach and enough practice, you'll be able to use the dative case like a pro in no time.


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