
Learn German with comprehensible input, by immersing in our library of curated content on culture, art, philosophy and more. Explore our podcast or read our free texts.
Surviving German winter
Let's take a closer look at this German polymath and saint. Was she a hero? Or was she evil and wicked? und noch vieles mehr.
Grimms fairy tales
Let's take a closer look at this German polymath and saint. Was she a hero? Or was she evil and wicked? und noch vieles mehr.
Nietzsche's philosophy
Let's take a closer look at this German polymath and saint. Was she a hero? Or was she evil and wicked? und noch vieles mehr.
Hildegard von Bingen
Let's take a closer look at this German polymath and saint. Was she a hero? Or was she evil and wicked? und noch vieles mehr.
Museums in Berlin
Let's take a closer look at this German polymath and saint. Was she a hero? Or was she evil and wicked? und noch vieles mehr.
A German Robin Hood?
Let's take a closer look at this German polymath and saint. Was she a hero? Or was she evil and wicked? und noch vieles mehr.

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1. A new text every day

We're glad you ask: We'll send you a new text every single day - for five days. But only, if you read each one of them. If you miss a day, you're out!

2. If you miss a text, you're out

We're glad you ask: We'll send you a new text every single day - for five days. But only, if you read each one of them. If you miss a day, you're out!

3. You only have one try

We're glad you ask: We'll send you a new text every single day - for five days. But only, if you read each one of them. If you miss a day, you're out!

Try for yourself

We're glad you ask: We'll send you a new text every single day - for five days. But only, if you read each one of them. If you miss a day, you're out!